Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8

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Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8

Сообщение pyfid » 13 ноя 2013, 23:09

Публикую отчет на английском об установке вариатора на Линкольн Таун 4,6 V8, любезно предоставленный клиентом из США :-):

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Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8

Сообщение pyfid » 13 ноя 2013, 23:15

Timing Advance Processor

Background Info:
Vehicle: 2002 Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8 converted by me to run on CNG or gasoline using EWS Milenium fogger type kit. After installing this kit the engine air valve screw had to be turned in about 10 revolutions for proper idle. The air fuel ratio was adjusted by pressure regulator knob and limits on stepper motor settings to operate without EWS warning “too rich” or “too lean” lights. The vehicle check engine light came on frequently for various reasons including “gas gauge inoperative” because the odometer increased without fuel tank level decreasing!
My other CNG or gasoline Toyota Tacoma 4x4 4.0L vehicle has no idle screw and so idle speed is too low without TAP and there is no way to raise it without TAP. I tried an air bypass around the air valve but that did not work. So for Tacoma before TAP, I have to adjust rich with the regulator knob and also offset the idle stepper motor limits from default to prevent stalling. Not a good situation. Toyota 4.0L weighs 4900# versus Lincoln 4.6L at 4200# meaning exhaust valves are hotter in Toyota than Lincoln. Toyota has no hesitation problem without TAP. But TAP can offer better valve and catalyst life, better range and better idle quality. Ordered 2nd TAP for this vehicle. It can be same as for Lincoln not specially flashed for Toyota.

TAP Contents: controller, wiring harness, emergency plug, 4 pages of excellent instructions. Dmitrii offered Skype or Team Viewer but that form of communication was not necessary.

Coverage: Ford type: 36-1, Toyota Type 36-2, and etc for other engines. Dip switches allow to set for one of the four different types of teeth.

Locating the Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP): Lincoln 4.6L was behind crankshaft pulley on right front of engine and it was enclosed inside the block. I missed it on first look because I thought the teeth would be visible between the crankshaft pulley and block. I was going to connect to the camshaft position sensor on the front of the left cylinder head but Dmitrii said it would give the wrong signal to drive TAP. I called the local Ford dealer with VIN and he confirmed there is a CKP and the approximate location. Ford sent me a diagram which I forwarded to Dmitrii. The pyfidm diagram shows ground and 2 leads to the crankshaft sensor but there were only 2 leads on the sensor and the block is grounded. Dmitrii sent email with signature of CKP signal which I confirmed with an oscilloscope. It is not necessary to use an oscilloscope but it could be helpful in diagnostics. Polarity is important and will stall engine if wrong.

Locating the TAP: My CNG conversion is left side and so the harness had to be extended 3 feet to reach the CKP. The TAP was located left side near the fuse and relay boxes.

Wiring: Connections were made by soldering, heat shrink insulators, conduit, and tie straps. LED LIGHTS help in diagnostics. After completing wiring, engine would run with emergency plug but not with TAP. Continuity checked CKP to TAP and found I had reversed the brown and gray wires when wiring the harness extension. Easily fixed near TAP plug. Placed TAP and plug in sandwich bag to protect it from moisture & corrosion.

Starting: My car starts on gasoline and then converts to CNG after the first time rpm goes above 1400rpm. With TAP the idle was too high and converted to CNG too soon which stalled engine. So I manually switch from gasoline to CNG after warm up until I can retune idle speed and air fuel ratio.

Throttle Response: Before TAP very large amount of off idle hesitation and slow acceleration almost dangerous to drive on CNG. No amount of EWS tuning could cover this up. With TAP the throttle response was smooth and even better than while running with gasoline! I am so very, very pleased with this performance boost.

The TAP advance is 15 degrees over vehicle factory settings. TAP can boost advance by 0-30 degrees in 1 degree increments. I plan to determine the advance boost needed to achieve trace knock but for now 15 is great and there is no trace knock. I have octane rating performance work experience.

TAP advance on gasoline: Currently set for 0 boost. CNG will burn off combustion chamber deposits which reduces octane requirement of engine. Therefore a 3-4 degree advance should be possible after the vehicle has 5000 miles of CNG operation. This TAP technology recognizes this benefit.

Warning Lights: The EWS system before retuning after TAP installation shows warning lights to “too lean and/or too rich” I believe retuning will solve this.

MPG: Lincoln has electronic display of MPG.
Before TAP on CNG: 28 MPG at32 MPH avg and 32 MPG at 65 MPH flat highway avg.
After TAP on CNG: 31 MPG at 32 MPH avg, highway not yet tested.

Range: Before TAP Highway range: 110-125 miles. Range after TAP not yet tested.

Cooler Exhaust Valves and Catalyst: TAP will reduce these temperatures to restore the life of the valves and catalyst back to normal. Premature failure can occur without TAP.
This has been a common complaint by some CNG fleet owners.

Reviewer: Fred P. Ruhland, 4352 Fox Rd, Kingsville, Ohio 44048
Retired MS Chemical Engineer
; CNG vehicle owner since 2011
. Home Refueling from Gas Well with inline Molecular Sieve Dryer
FuelMaker C3 Compressor 2011-9/13
Bauer Compressor 9/13-Present
Nearest CNG Station 73 miles away.

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Re: Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8

Сообщение Admin » 15 ноя 2013, 09:31

Отчёт великолепен! :co_ol: :co_ol: :co_ol:
Более того - это вообще первый отчёт на форуме, который так чётко структурирован и так грамотно написан. Передайте автору огромнейшее спасибо!!!
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Re: Lincoln Town Car 4.6 liter V8

Сообщение pyfid » 19 ноя 2013, 18:53

А вот так они заправляются :co_ol:
Natural Gas Compressor-Bauer 110913 024.jpg
Natural Gas Compressor-Bauer 110913 024.jpg (2.2 MIB) Просмотров: 5137

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 21:07
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